Prabash Properties
Our Vision: To achieve excellence in all our activities & to be the most sought after Real Estate Broker in the Island.Prabash 's initial entry into real estate was working as a RealEstate Consultant for 2 Years at a Reputed RealEstate Company. He has carried out quite a substantial number of real estate transitions both as a buyer and a seller apart from real estate brokering. His personal involvement in development work made him conversant with all legal procedures, local authority and UDA regulations etc.
Prabash Perera is the Proprietor of Prabash Properties , a partnership company duly Registered in Sri Lanka. Prabash Properties provide a quality and dependable service to his real estate clients. Testimonials issued by his real estate clients speak volumes of Prabash’s ability, capacity and his uncompromising commitment to rise to the top in the real estate business.
Our Values: We up hold the highest ethical standards & fair practices in conducting Business.We are open & transparent in all our dealings. We always protect & safeguard interests of our stake holders.